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Fluent Chinese -- Short Expressions for Chinese Learners


(多文种 中、英、韩、日、对照)


30 32k 黑白 平装 7-80187-814-0/H·020


(多文种 中、英、韩、日、对照)

30 32k 黑白 平装 7-80187-815-9/H·021

《越说越好》是汉语口语短句精粹,例句短小、精炼、口语性强, 实用性强,要求读者有一定汉语基础。所选短句体现了当今汉语口语的流行趋势和HSK听力部分的考查方向。每个短句下都配有插图,有助于读者理解短句的含义,并有英、韩、日三种文字的解释。每个例句都以一段对话的形式表现出来,使读者在一个完整的语境中更容易体会、理解、掌握短句所表达的意思,有助于读者把握精髓,品味汉语变幻无穷的乐趣。

It is an oral Chinese book for readers with some basic training in Chinese language. The book contains short, terse and practical expressions for Chinese Learners. The expressions included in the book reflect the fashionable trend of oral Chinese today and the orientation of the HSK listening tests. Each short expressions has an illustration, to help readers understand the meaning of the sentence, in addition to the explanations in English, Korean and Japanese languages, and Each is expressed through a dialogue, making readers feel, understand and command the meaning of the sentence through a complete language environment. 襏sage Guide?points out the occasions in which each expression can be used and the points needing attention, so as to help readers command their quintessence and enjoy the study of Chinese language.

版权所有 中国互联网新闻中心 电子邮件: webmaster@china.org.cn 电话: 86-10-68326688 (2005.09.30)