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《明清民窑瓷器鉴定——成化、弘治、正德卷》 (中文版)

Appraisal of Porcelain of Ming and Qing Dynasty------Chenghua, Hongzhi, and Zhengde Period of Ming Dynasty (Chinese Edition)

ISBN 7-5054-1183-7

Pub. Date: 2005.05

Paperback: 154 Pages

Dimensions: 210×143mm

The porcelain of China is most famous in the world. The making of porcelain has a long and brilliant history in China. In the book included the porcelain of Chenghua, Hongzhi, and Zhengde Period of Ming Dynasty. Accompanied with each picture of the porcelain is the detailed introduction of it, which can help the readers to appreciate and understand the porcelain more deeply.

版权所有 中国互联网新闻中心 电子邮件: webmaster@china.org.cn 电话: 86-10-68326688 (2005.09.30)