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Tell the World About China Spread of Wisdom ------ Zhao Qizheng Explains China This Way


48 16k 黑白 平装 424 7-80187-627-X/G.293


Comrade Zhao Qizheng is a high-level leader of China foreign publicity circles. In the past eight years, as Minister of the Information Office of the State Council, he has given a great number of lectures and speeches, many of their wonderful paragraphs have been extensively quoted by media and publicity-related people. With approval of the author, we have published two books: Tell the World About China, and Spread of Wisdom ---- Zhao Qizheng Explains China This Way, which include a total of over 100 speeches selected from his numerous speeches, lectures, talks with journalists and articles.

版权所有 中国互联网新闻中心 电子邮件: webmaster@china.org.cn 电话: 86-10-68326688 (2005.09.30)