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A Heaven-Sent Kingdom ---- How Sanxingdui and Jinsha Cultural Relics Are Unearthed

本书讲述了四川三星堆、金沙文物发现、发掘的过程, 所出土文物的价值,并介绍了与之有关的古蜀王国的历史、文化和传说。

The present book tells how cultural relics were unearthed in Sanxingdui and Jinsha in Sichuan Province. The book also gives an account of the history, culture and legend of ancient Shu Kingdom.

22 32k 黑白 平装 408 7-80187-255-X/G.104

版权所有 中国互联网新闻中心 电子邮件: webmaster@china.org.cn 电话: 86-10-68326688 (2005.09.30)