首 页 图片新闻 书展信息 特别推荐 2005参展书目

Cards of Chinese Characters 800

The sets of cards include 800 most commonly used Chinese characters. Each character is accompanied by pinyin, illustrations, two or more words, and one sentence (mostly in the fields of daily life, study, entertainment, work, travel, and business), covering a vocabulary of 3000. The non-simplified forms of the characters are also given for reference. Apart from 100 characters in each set, it also introduces some knowledge about pinyin, writing of Chinese characters, Chinese numerals, measurements, proverbs, idioms, two-part allegorical expressions, and Tang poems.

The cards take the form of international standard poker. It is easy to carry and use. One can have fun while studying. This set includes 1 mp3 and 8 packs of cards. Published in Chinese-English. Copyright 2005

ISBN 7802000947

Price: RMB168.00

版权所有 中国互联网新闻中心 电子邮件: webmaster@china.org.cn 电话: 86-10-68326688 (2005.09.30)